Friday, April 3, 2009

LOST-lib Season 1 Episode 12

A Discovery in the Park

Two friends, Jack and Kate, spent an afternoon in the park together. The day was mysterious and both friends were wearing wallets. The friends had just finished diving when Jack found a small dead body.

“Have you ever seen one of these before?” Jack asked Kate.

“Not like this one,” said Kate.

The friends put the dead body on a nearby table, and they sat down and studied it.

“Where do you think it came from?” asked Kate.

“I think it's from Australia,” said Jack.

“If it is from Australia, this dead body is a long way from home,” said Kate. “I wonder if it's crazy.”

“It might be crazy. What should we do with it?” Jack asked Kate.

“Should we keep it?” asked Kate.

“It probably belongs to someone. I bet the person dropped it while protecting,” said Jack.

“It might belong to someone, but it could just be lost,” said Kate. “It's so metal. Maybe we should keep it.”

“It would be great to have this metal dead body, but what if it had been ours and we'd lost it? You would want it back, wouldn't you?” asked Jack.

“I would. You're right. Let's drop it off at the Lost and Found,” said Kate.

“That's a great idea. Then we can steal all the way home!” said Jack.

“Who knows, maybe we'll find another dead body on the way there!” said Kate.

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