Friday, April 3, 2009

LOST-libs Season 1 Episode 16

A Funky Fourth

Every year, Sawyerberg has a huge Fourth of July picnic. In addition to the usual booths that sell fried boar and mangos on a stick, and the face-tracking stand, Sawyerberg always hosts a play reenacting famous historical scenes.

This year, things became confused because some scripts got mixed up at the copy shop. Last year, residents saw George Washington crossing the Delaware River, while this year, residents saw Kate opening across four toed foot statue! A few years ago, residents saw Thomas Jefferson writing the Declaration of Independence. This year, they saw Robert Patrick eating Passenger list. To top it all off, instead of watching Abraham Lincoln recite the Gettysburg Address, residents saw Hibbs hiding You All Everybody!

The town elders didn't know if they should be laughing or crying. But they knew for sure that this year's picnic would be remembered for a long time!

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