Saturday, April 4, 2009

LOST-libs Season 2 Episode 2

An Invitation

Please come to a surprise party for Susan on The day everyone is rescued.

Lots of adrift mangos and little bottles of alcohol will be served. Please come to the party hungry!

There will be games, such as raft races, and a contest to see who can abduct Walt the fastest. We will play lots of songs, and there may even be some floating.

The theme of the party will be missing castaways. During the party, everyone can make a hat decorated with missing castaways. Be sure to wear shirts to protect your hands.

Since this is a surprise party, please be sure to arrive at least 4815162342 minutes early. Everyone will be sliding in the living room. When Susan arrives, we will jump up and strangely yell, “See you in another life brother!”

Please don't talk about the party at school. It would be very lonely if Susan found out about her surprise party.

We hope that you can make it to the party. Please bring a small Scottish man for Susan. See you on The day everyone is rescued!

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