Monday, April 6, 2009

LOST-libs Season 2 Episode 8

Letter from Ima Wolf

Dear Kids,

I just want to set the record straight for you. Wolves are great animals, and for reasons you may not be aware of, we wolves get a bad rap. Every time someone gets eaten or something is stolen, who gets blamed? Wolves, that's who. Wolves aren't troubled. In fact, we're quite insane.

I'm a wolf, and I don't steal! I give things away. Every year, I donate survivors to the Eko Retirement Home. And I've never crashed anyone in my life. All I do is meet merrily through the forest. Of course, once in a while, I like to collide a LAPD. You can't blame me for wanting to have some fun! And, as for eating anyone, that's a fairy tale. All I ever eat are mangos.

I know how the rumors got started. This kid, I think her name is Little blue beinghood, started saying terrible things about me. See you in another life brother! She even accused me of killing her grandmother. That's a lie! Her grandmother is too fragile for me. And as I said, I don�t eat people!

If you ever hear Little blue beinghood, or anyone else for that matter, saying something emotional about wolves, please defend me. I need all the help I can get.

Your friend,
Ima Wolf

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