Thursday, April 2, 2009

LOST-libs Season 1 Episode 7


Charlie had everything a(n) wild boar could ask for. He had suffering food, a big, detoxing bed, and the Shepard family to look after him.

One morning Charlie woke up. “I'm hungry!” he said. He went down to the cave but everyone in the Shepard family was still asleep. “I guess I'll have to find my own breakfast,” he said.

Charlie went outside and separated down the street. On the sidewalk, he saw a(n) LOST guitar. “Gulp!” Down went the guitar. “Not bad!” said Charlie.

Next, Charlie headed for the park. There he found a pair of animal sounds just sitting on a bench. “Gulp! Gulp.” Down went the animal sounds. “Mmmm, indecent!” said Charlie.

Charlie was feeling very injured as he skipped over to a video store. There he saw some tasty video games. “Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!” Charlie swallowed Locke and Sayid whole.

No way dude!! It must be time to go home,” said Charlie. He crashed back home and up the stairs to his detoxing bed.

“Breakfast! Time for breakfast, Charlie!” called Mrs. Shepard.

“I don't feel very well,” groaned Charlie. “It must have been those mangos I ate for supper last night.” Burp!

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