Friday, April 3, 2009

LOST-libs Season 1 Episode 8

Could It Really Happen?

It happened last Saturday. Shannon aka that chick that Sayid banged on the Island and I were camping in my back yard. We were telling jokes and eating mangos when we heard an odd, conniving noise coming from the inhaler. We thought it sounded like a talking wild boar.

Bravely, Shannon aka that chick that Sayid banged on the Island hit to the wild boar. I heard beaten up music and conned to my friend. Right before my eyes I saw Shannon aka that chick that Sayid banged on the Island disappear and then reappear as a peculiar, 4815162342–foot dog (mainly Vincent). I fought! But then the dog (mainly Vincent) invested and said, “I'm starving. Got any peanut butter?

“Wa-wah-where's Shannon aka that chick that Sayid banged on the Island?” I stammered.

“What's wrong with you? I am Shannon aka that chick that Sayid banged on the Island!”

That's when I fainted.

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