Saturday, April 4, 2009

LOST-lib Season 1 Episode 21

The Great Mural

This week, we are making a giant mural in art class. The class voted on the theme for the mural, and cliff climbing got the most votes. We are using many things to make the mural, such as dead funerals and tempers.

Our teacher, Boone, has assigned students different tasks. Some students will talk the tempers. Other students will cry the dead funerals. The mural is going to be so good when it is finished!

Some students have special tasks. Sayid is a very talented torturer and will paint silent on the mural. Shannon aka that chick Sayid banged on the Island is a good writer and will write a poem about cliff climbing to be displayed next to the mural.

At the next open house, we will show our teachers and families the mural. Then people will know why our class loves cliff climbing so much!

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